CSR and innovation: how ICN CreactiveFund is shaping a sustainable future
ICN CreaCtivefund, accelerating CSR strategy
For the past 2 years, the “ICN Impact” CSR strategy has been deployed at the school thanks to the support of the ICN Creactive fund. Objectives:
- Raise awareness and train our students in ecological issues
- Make our campuses “greener
For 2023/2024, over 1,000 students have been trained in the Atelier 2 tonnes, Sulitest, Artificial Intelligence and responsible tech. Since the beginning of the year, 500 students have taken part in a fresco on sustainable employment, diversity and a biodiversity workshop.
All these actions are financed by your donations!
As for the campuses, ICN Creactivefund supports the eco-responsible approach of the Paris campus. A pioneer in the Paris La Défense area, ICN is a signatory of the “Charte d'engagements post-carbone” (post-carbon commitment charter) and participates in the Baisse ta clim and Can B Ecowatt initiatives. Energy saving and heating optimization are our top priorities, and the interior design favors partly second-hand furniture to reduce ICN's carbon footprint.
A parking lot dedicated to soft mobility encourages eco-responsible travel, and the cafeteria offers local, seasonal produce. Unsold food is donated to local associations to avoid waste. A selective sorting circuit is in place, with active awareness-raising among campus users and monthly monitoring of sorting statistics.
Every gesture counts to build a greener campus together!
ICN Creactivefund in support of corporate research
All the research projects supported by the fund are created in partnership with corporate sponsors, integrating the following 2 dimensions:
- Applied research, the black box of projects: using scientific tools and methodologies to solve business problems.
- Practical application, demonstrating the usefulness and impact of our projects with workshops and conferences to apply and popularize research results.
By way of illustration, the fund hosts the People Leadership Chair, financed by corporate sponsors Préfon and Harvest, and its applied research program with the Jeu de l'épargnant with :
- On the flip side, applied economic research into the savings and wealth accumulation behavior of individuals, using a questionnaire to measure individual preferences called “PATER” (Patrimoine et préférences vis-à-vis du Temps et du Risque).
- On the other side, the usefulness of this applied research for professionals and the general public:
- Conferences: “Are we good savers?” in December 2023. The next one will take place in early 2025 on risk-taking and the duty to advise.
- Workshops: With a digital and immersive format to make financial education accessible to all, and enable participants to get answers to the following questions:
- What kind of saver am I? Each participant will be able to discover his or her “astrological sign” as a saver: the good fathers (prudent and far-sighted), the hotheads (unconscious, irresponsible or adventurous and unconcerned about the future), the enterprising (bold and far-sighted, responsible), the cautious cicadas (prudent ≈ far-sighted), etc.
- What are my life plans?
Is my savings and wealth accumulation strategy adapted to my life project?
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